Hanscom Creative, LLC
Let’s Get Creating!
Let’s Get Creating!
I will help you focus on your POV and POY !
POV – What is your Point of VIEW ?
- of Yourself
- of Others
- of Circumstances
- Every Negative is a Blessing, Gift, and Opportunity
- This improves your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ)
POY – What is the Point of YOU ?
- Why are you on this Earth?
- Where are you now, and where do you want to be?
- Discern your life purpose
- Live your life purpose
- This is your Plan On Purpose!
Let’s explore your POV and POY together – schedule your free discovery session with Gregg!
In honor of my God and my country, I will help people pursue personal growth and strive to become physically, spiritually, and mentally fit.
Gregg Hanscom is a Mental Fitness Coach, HR Leader, Church Camp Co-Director, and lover of nature, adventure, and living generational & genealogical history. Gregg and Tonya live in the U.S.A. in Maine near the restful mountains, and in Massachusetts near the restless ocean. He can be found; in the pursuit of happiness hiking & biking & running trails, kayaking & canoeing on ocean, lakes and rivers, and camping on “an explore”, everywhere possible in God’s creation; although he is no longer lost, and now living his life on purpose.
Gregg Hanscom, CEO
(Creator, Encourager, Optimist)
Hanscom Creative LLC
Request a Speaking Engagement
Gregg is available to talk about his books at Seminars and Book Signings, and/or lead a Workshop for your organization, company or church on his Coaching for Plan On Purpose and PQ Positive Intelligence. Complete this form to request a speaking engagement.